Hammond Concert
Performing in dedication to Leslie West & Mountain
"Theme from an Imaginary Western"

You're Not Alone
Dedicated to those family and friends who have suffered from the Pandemic Virus. God bless to all of you. We will win this battle together.
The music of Dennis DeYoung of STYX

Just Roll With It
There are moments when nothing around you matters and you just want to play. Play anything.... This was that moment.

My Music

I took some liberty to add more to Keith Urbans very cool song. I felt the chorus wasnt being pushed enough so I added orchestration and of course my Hammond organ touch. I am not allowed to put this up on social media, but I would love for him to hear this. So, I can only post this here on my website.

Knocking on Heavens Door (Cover)
Dedicated to those fallen men and women in uniform..
Thee Rock n Roll Residency
Love doing some Deep Purple - Hush. LIttle clip from one of the shows.

That one moment you just need to reach - Take a breath.